Ham Radio Repeater Dos and Don'ts operating tips

Ham Radio Repeater Dos and Don’ts operating tips

I share some best practices of operating a ham radio using a repeater. Common sense tips for new hams or people thinking about getting in to the hobby. Product link: Radioddity GS-5B Pass Your Amateur Radio Technician Class Test -…

APRS packet ham radio using ISS as digipeater

APRS packet ham radio using ISS as digipeater

I use the digipeater onboard the International space station. I receive APRS packets from hams all over the Eastern US and try send my own. Learn a bit about APRS, the equipment you need to do this and watch me…

64 Mile, Summit to Summit, 2 meter simplex, SOTA contact

64 Mile, Summit to Summit, 2 meter simplex, SOTA contact

Ham radio summits on the air (SOTA) activation of Kennesaw Mountain. Two of my contacts were activating Blood Mountain 64 miles away. I made the contacts on the 2 meter ham band, using my Kenwood TH-D74A radio and a Super-Elastic…

D-STAR worldwide contacts using Kenwood TH-D74a handheld ham radio

D-STAR worldwide contacts using Kenwood TH-D74a handheld ham radio

Using my Kenwood TH-D74a handheld ham radio’s D-STAR feature to make contacts. D-Star digital voice allows worldwide communications with just a Technician class ham license