Testing ALL The FREEDV Modes - But which one sounds best?

Testing ALL The FREEDV Modes – But which one sounds best?

Here we take another look at the FreeDV application and this time, we test ALL the FREEDV modes to see if we can find out which mode has the best quality. Joined with me in this video is M0JSX, check…

A Cheap HF Magnetic Loop Antenna - But Does It Work?

A Cheap HF Magnetic Loop Antenna – But Does It Work?

Here we take at a relatively cheap HF Magnetic Loop Antenna. Max SSB power is rated at 20 watts, but let’s test it out in the garden with the IC-705 at 10 Watts. Is this actually a magnetic loop? Answers…

Portable HF radio station in a backpack

Portable HF radio station in a backpack

Operating QRP portable with Xeigu X-5105 and Chameleon mag loop antenna from Providence Park in North Georgia. Product links: Xeigu X-5105: Cha F Loop: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.