ham radio, what are you doing?

ham radio, what are you doing?

I reenact an encounter I had with a passerby as I was doing ham radio stuff. link for ISS ham radio activity: Product links: Kenwood TH-D74A: Arrow satellite antenna: AARL ham radio license manual: As an Amazon Associate I earn…

Receiving images from ISS using ham radio

Receiving images from ISS using ham radio

I use my Kenwood TH-D74 handheld ham radio to receive SSTV (slow scan television) images from the International Space Station. Music: www.bensound.com MMSSTV software by JE3HHT: Purchase Kenwood TH-D74: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Sending and receiving images with Baofeng UV-5r and Kenwood TH-D74a

Sending and receiving images with Baofeng UV-5r and Kenwood TH-D74a

SSTV or slow scan television is a method hams use to send images over the air. I demonstrate sending an image over VHF using a Baofeng UV-5r and Kenwood TH-D74. Product links: Baofeng UV-5R: Kenwood TH-D74A: Diamond SRJ77CA antenna: SMA…