Baofeng UV-20L Tri-Band Handheld Ham Radio – With Stopwatch?
Here we take a look at the Baofeng UV-20L handheld radio which is advertised as a dual band radio, but it also supports a 3rd band on the Ham Radio frequencies. Purchase links: If you would like to…
Baofeng UV-5r listening to an ISS astronaut
I listen in on a ham radio contact between a local school and an astronaut aboard the International Space Station. find upcoming International Space Station ham radio activities: Product links: Baofeng UV-5R: Diamond SRJ77CA antenna: Apple Ipad mini: SMA F…
Is my Baofeng UV-5R legal? Testing spurious emissions
I test my Baofeng UV-5R for spurious emissions and out of spec harmonics, with the help of Don N2VGU. Will it pass? What will I do if it fails? I also test my Kenwood TH-D74A North Fulton Amateur Radio League:…
Baofeng UV-5R top things to listen to: Part 2
Follow up video, where I discuss more things you can listen to using a Baofeng UV-5R radio. Watch Part 1: Links: Diamond antenna: MURS radios: MURS frequencies: Baofeng APRS cable: Space Station Radio status: Baofeng battery upgrade: NOAA weather radio:…
Baofeng UV-5R; Top 5 things to listen to
I go through the top five things you can listen to with the Baofeng UV-5R handheld ham radio. Buy the Baofeng UV-5R: SMA-F to BNC-F adapter: APRS cable: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Super Elastic antenna…
Top 7 accessories for Baofeng UV-5r ham radio
I countdown the top 7 accessories for the Baofeng UV-5r handheld ham radio, then I have a conversation with another ham radio operator using a local repeater. Links: Baofeng UV-5R: SMA-F to BNC-F adapter: APRS cable: Diamond dual band antenna:…
Baofeng UV-5R ham radio, talking from Atlanta to Seattle
I use my Baofeng UV-5R handheld ham radio to make a 2100 mile contact. I make contacts from Georgia to California, Washington and Arizona. Learn how Echolink works and why Baofengs cause controversy. Product links: Baofeng UV-5R: As an Amazon…